The road construction unit is a team of 50 engineers and technicians who have successfully completed a 54 km paved road project at Erdenet-Bulgan-Unit. In 2010, we have been licensed to construct and repair the road and facilities and since 2011 we have been implementing the road construction work continuously. During this time, we have commissioned more than 30 major road works, a total 85,000 square meters of paved roads and more than 160 km of roads. 


Asphalt concrete pavement work of the Ulaanbaatar-Darkhan road project /12 km pavement/.

Construction of Roads, Heating network and associated infrastructure in Selbe Sub-Centre..

Maintenance work of 150-200 km road of TavanTolgoi-GashuunSukhait coal hauling heavy-duty road up to 239km.

Paved road work project Khentii Province, Kherlen sum

Construction project of 20.km road from Gachuurt junction to Nalaikh-Choir junction (stake number: from 5+300 to 10+000)

Extention and Renovation work of 5km road from Dambadarjaa crossroad to Shadivlan new crossroad

"Auto Trade Complex" Package-1A 32,000 m2 or 4.57 km parking area and 4.57 km asphalt-concrete paved road construction work

Construction work of 5km road from "MONOS" crossroad to Auto gate-22


Construction of paved and gravel roads

Construction of bridges, tunnels and flood protection dams

Improvement and repair of roads and fields

Road equipment, signs and marking works

Repair and maintenance of roads, bridges and tunnels

Production of road repair materials and structures


Laboratory - Product quality control

"MNST" LLC is conducting the following analysis using high precision equipment and device from Korean Hyundai and Han Shin firms according to the national and international standard methods and methodologies. 

In 2015, the Quality Management System was introduced by the accreditation of "ISO/EC 17025: 2008" standard into our operations. it became to "MNST LABORATORY" LLC a subsidiary of "Tegsht Plant" LLC and have carrying out its operation. 

Today in the city of Ulaanbaatar, tall buildings and widespread skyscrapers are being built like the world's leading cities. Furthermore, more roads and construction work will be carried out. it is important that laboratory testing analysis for raw materials are carried out in accordance with international standards, to produce quality roads and construction materials that meet this growing need. Materials testing and analyzing laboratories began experimenting with physical and mechanical properties in products of the asphalt-concrete and crushed stone plant in according to technical requirements in 2011. 

The laboratory carries out comprehensive analysis of more than 30 types of cement and concrete, testing and verification of aggregates and asphalt concrete, post-delivery service, or site inspection of raw materials delivered to customers' sites.

Types of test analysis:

Mineral powder in 

asphalt-concrete admixture

Soil (Material of dam and 


Test on bitumen



Determine composition of large and small aggregates

Analysis of customer needs